Topic: Display conductor section and color from its properties

Good day, I have a question about conductor.

I'm trying to show conductor section and color in diagrams, but haven't found a way to get values from conductor properties, elements with terminals do not have such options to select as dynamic text, is there any usefulness filling properties in conductor?

And elements missing "Voltage/Protocol" property, is this removed intentionally, or by accident?

QElectroTech V 0.90-DEV+0424eb9fbc957a06d79751d3
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Post's attachments

conductor.png, 37.19 kb, 937 x 597
conductor.png 37.19 kb, 219 downloads since 2021-03-05 

Re: Display conductor section and color from its properties

I have the same question...

Re: Display conductor section and color from its properties

No this feature doesn't exist.
It would be a good feature to add in future release.

Développeur QElectroTech

Re: Display conductor section and color from its properties

Has anymore been done on this please? It would be very useful to be able to show wire sizes and colours automatically.

Re: Display conductor section and color from its properties

did you read here? … 620#p19620
Not exactly what you mean, but the possibility to show the desired information in a schematic.

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