Hey Scorpio,

Sorry for the long delay, I must have missed the notification that you had responded and I got super tied up at work with a different project.

I am excited now that it seems like I am exploring obscure ways of working hahaha. I guess being kind of a hobbyist and not really knowing all the standards helps nomicons/laughing

About the bug, I am not the best coder to be honest, I understand the logic, but not great at interpreting the syntax. That being said, I think there might be something regarding the "context" in this function:

void ConductorAutoNumerotation::numerateNewConductor()
    if (!m_conductor) {

    if (!m_diagram->conductorsAutonumName().isEmpty())
        NumerotationContext context = m_diagram->project()->conductorAutoNum(
            m_diagram -> conductorsAutonumName());
        if (context.isEmpty())

        QString autoNum_name = m_diagram->project()->conductorCurrentAutoNum();
        QString formula = autonum::numerotationContextToFormula(context);

        ConductorProperties cp = m_conductor -> properties();
        cp.m_formula = formula;


        NumerotationContextCommands ncc (context, m_diagram);
        m_diagram->project()->addConductorAutoNum(autoNum_name, ncc.next());


The only idea that I have is that I would assume that the context should refer to the folio, and in that context there should be a property for the current count. It might be that they end up referencing a "temporary" context, not one that persists with the folio??

Hello Scorpio,

Thank you very much for the answer and thank you very much for the software in general!

However, the answer is not exactly what I am after. I don't know if what I have in mind is how it should work, or this would be a feature request, but how I am trying to label the conductors is using a formula which would label them with the folio number (ideally it will be auto updated if the folio number changes) and an index number unique to that folio.

For example, conductors on folio #3 would be: 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, etc. And conductors in folio #4 would be 4-1, 4-2.4-3, etc.
This would basically require that each folio have it's own persistent variable for the current count on itself and not reset when I select another folio.

Using the formula that I posted at the beginning ( %id-%sequf_1) seems to have this logic in mind, the only issue seems to be that the sequence advances on some sort of "Volatile" variable because when I change folio, it will then reset to the value on %sequ_1, which does not get increased by the method which increases %sequf_1

If I use the formula that you suggested, The conductors show the following: "3/4 - 1". Showing the folio of the total folios, and following 1 sequence across all folios which is currently not what I am after.

Thanks again for the support.


First things first, I Have just started using QET and I am loving it, it is perfect for the size of projects that I am handling and being a Linux user it is great to see good software for professional tasks!

I managed to setup the Auto-numbering and it works great for conductors. I am using a formula where I label the conductors with the folio number - index of conductor in that folio


But I discovered that whenever I navigate to a different folio, the sequence counter resets itself, so when I come back to this folio and continue adding conductors, now I have repeated names.

I don't know if this is a bug, bad usage or corrupted project, but maybe someone can help me.

