(9 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)


Thank all for the help.

I will try to solve with this information.

If I have more doubts, I will come back.

Thank you


(9 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

plc-user wrote:

Hello samuelps.hr

Looking at the language-files:
There are many translations missing or still declared "unfinished" (1921) for Portuguese!
There are even more translations for Brazilian Portuguese finished: only 51 declared "unfinished".
Maybe this is a good start for you to help the other Portuguese QET users and complete the Portuguese translations?

scorpio810 wrote a little manual:
https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 375#p13375

Best regards

Hello plc_user

I change the language as you recommend for Portuguese Brasilian as it solve most of the problem, but as you can see in the previous post image, I stil have some "untranslated" fields.

And I try already follow the topic from Scorpion 810 but I don't know if it is my ignorance or not but the .ts files don't appears in the folder.
Also, as you can see in the image below, qet_pt_br.qm file, for example the "Description textuelle" have a translation for Portuguese Brasilian.

I don't know if exist other file that I need to open to see if the translation is made or not.

Please can you help me?

Thank you


(9 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

acolomb wrote:

Hi there,

you didn't actually attach any file.  But I suspect you simply need to edit the "title block" used for your folios.  The defaults contain translatable labels usually.  Could be missing a Portuguese translation there, however.

Kind regards

Hello Andre

Sorry, my bad about the not attach the file. I forgot to click on "Add file".

There is my problem now.

Best regards


I'm new in the QElectrotech universe and I need help.

As you can see in the attach file, the field of index have a "mix" of languages, but the language selected is portuguese (Portugal).
I already try to find a way to fix the but without sucess.
A lot of other fields, including Menu's, also have this problem but for me that is not a issue since I use the QElectrotech in english during electrical diagram drawing, but when I want to export the diagram to PDF, as to be in portuguese.

Please, can you help me with this point?
Can someone explain me how can I solve this problem?

Thank you