Hi Laurent,

I would like to give it a try and fix the thickness issue in the qet 0.90 code. Do you maybe have a hint for me, what file(s) of the source code may be responsible for this issue?



I found a simple way, to implement a transparent background that is automatically inherited to an svg export.
qet 0.90: qetdiagrameditor.cpp: 361-362

// Diagram::background_color = checked ? Qt::darkGray : Qt::white;
Diagram::background_color = checked ? Qt::transparent : Qt::white;

I just commented the original line 361 out and replaced "Qt::darkGray" by "Qt::transparent" in line 362. Now, when I use the new white/gray background toggle button on a folio and select the gray backgound, I get a transparent background.


P.S.: Here is an example.

Hi Laurent,

I am sorry. I did not know and now I understand better. So, I hope Joshua's wife is getting better soon and that you are recovering as soon and as best as possible. I am crossing my fingers for you all.

Best wishes to France,

Hi Laurent,

to be honest, I did not check the nightly 0.100 version. You see, I was curious about the 0.100 version, but did not want to compile it on a regular basis, so I installed the ppa and upgraded qet from 0.80 to 0.100. I spent some time playing with the 0.100 version and got the feeling that the 0.100 is too much "work in progress" for me. So I rolled back to 0.80 and as a compromise downloaded and installed the source of 0.90.

Anyhow, your screenshots show me that you are already aware of that issue and have it addressed. Excellent. I am looking forward to the release of 0.100.


Dear All,

While playing around with qet 0.80 and 0.90, I noted a possible regression that you may want to address in 0.100.

  • I created an arrow as user collection element with a tip using line thickness "thin" (see ElementEditor.png)

  • When placed on a folio in 0.80 the arrow tip is correctly included (see QET080.png)

  • However, if the same file is displayed with 0.90, the tip is drawn with thickness "normal" (see QET090.png)

It seems, that somehow the line thickness of the tip is ignored in 0.90.


@plc-user and scorpio810

Thanks for your quick reply.
Yes #1, it is not an issue but just a nice-to-have. And I can manually or assisted by a script remove the background color, if needed.
Yes #2, I already tried to modify the background color of the folio in the source code of 0.90. However, it turned out to be not as simple as replacing it by Qt::transparent :-). Unfortunately, I am neither very experienced in c++ nor in Qt.
Yes #3, I am running Linux Mint Mate 21.3 and are familiar with scripts and advanced editors as e.g. kate. However, for such small modifications I still prefer vim :-).

Good night

Dear All,

While searching for a high quality schematic editor, I hit upon qet yesterday. I installed 0.8, created a small user collection of 25 elements and a small schematic. I was really impressed of what I found. Great job.

When I exported my small schematic to an svg file, I noticed the "9/16" bounding box issue that will be fixed as I read in 0.10. I also noticed that the white drawing background is correctly included with the exported svg file. However, such a background can turn out to be inconvenient, if an svg export is supposed to be included e.g. on a LibreOffice impress presentation slide with different background color. In this case the white background of the svg file will cut out a large white rectangle on the presentation slide. Of course, I can set the fill-opacity in the exported svg file manually to "0",

<g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1" stroke="none" transform="matrix(0.75,0,0,0.75,-159.727,-160.5)"
font-family="Ubuntu" font-size="10" font-weight="400" font-style="normal">

however, it would be more convenient, if the background color could be turned off (set to transparent) by means of the export dialog. I have checked (compiled) 0.9 and installed also the nightly 0.10, but did not find a corresponding option. So, is it possible to add this feature to the new revision 0.10?
