Works perfect, thank you!

Okay, thank you. I'll try the posted modification

Thank you. I know that but moving per drag and drop would be more precise and faster.

I just wonder if the following is not working only for me or if the features was removed since your post:

"you can also move folio position by click & move with mouse on folio fields.
Left click in the folios tab and move its position with the mouse, beware it can go very quickly ... "
source: your post above


For me it would be the most wanted feature to rearrange the folios per drag & drop.
According to scorpio it should already work but it does not work for me :-/

Here is how I tried it:

I added a new folio. The new folio is created at the last position (it's position 175 in my project).
Now I want to move that newly created folio to position 12. So I move the mouse pointer over the folio in the folios tab, click and hold the left mouse button and try to drag it up but it doesn't moves. So I need to push F3 more than 150 times to move the folio up.

What I am doing wrong?

Thank you so much for your help