thanks for your active support. It is really appreciate, specially if we are new to this software.
I am following some of this interesting video series, and I am trying to add a dynamic text in one element like in this video: dynamic text linked to Tension/Protocol of the conductor. (00:59).


but I am not able to find the same settings. So, no other variables rather the element variables itself appears. So I can not insert "tension/protocol" variable in this dynamic text. This could be, for me,  a nice workaround, event this is not the best for what I need...

What Would be perfect is to have the dynamic text with the port/terminal related with the conductor which is connected to it. And then, an option to export this information. This could be really powerful. Anyway, this is a really interesting software. Thanks to all contributors.

Many thanks in advance

the version I am using is

QElectroTech V 0.80-DEV r8e82dee8f
Compilation : CLANG 11.0.3 (clang-1103.0.32.29)
Built with Qt 5.15.0 - Date : Sep 14 2020 : 17:39:57
Run with Qt 5.15.0 using 12 thread(s)
CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8850H CPU @ 2.60GHz
RAM Total : 16384 MB

OS : darwin - x86_64 - Version : macOS 10.15 - Kernel : 19.6.0

Now, I need to learn french...

I see another old post regarding the labels/names in conductors:

Is it already possible?

Many thanks.

Hi @scorpio810,

Many thanks! yes, many of what I need are in this examples. I should to have a look into it.
Regarding the cable/conductor list, nothing to do,right?

Thanks again!

Hello all,
I am newe in your forum, as I am new also in your software.
I would like to try if it fits what I currently need.

As a new one, I have many doubts and I tried to solve it thru this forum and user manual.

I am designing a broadcast facilities. I was using a CAD software, but I want to improve it, and I was wondering if QET could fits it.
To do it, I need to connect many devices with many ports, and define the type of conductor (Video Cable, Network Cable, Fiber optic cable...). And name it in both sides. After the schematic, a cable list is generated with following information: Equipment source, place of equipment source, port source, cable number or designator, and equipment destination, place destination, port destination... I see in your forum that this file could not be generated unfortunately, but I am wondering about other needs:

Labels in the schematic: I need to have the labels for each conductor in both sides, close to the ports, as the screenshot I see in your webpage. This is one of the most important, because could be a mesh for me if I can't.

Define different conductor type, and this will define de cable designator. Sometimes, the connection is not in the same sheet, is it possible to reference different sheets?

Many thanks