Thanks for all your answers

Sorry, I don't understand you. I know that splice create new wire, my problem is, that if I insert splice onto already existing wire, I have to delete that old wire. …

What do you mean by wrong element? I can't remove terminal from splice, I can remove wire or whole splice.

#galexis: Yes that's what I mean.

So right way to do it, is deleting the the existing wire fire and then inserting splice? But then I'm loosing wire's text.. …

Hi, so you saying it's normal behaviour?

This is what I mean, if I add splice onto existing wire, wire is still there and I if try to move splice you can see that there are three wires, which is incorrect: …


when I insert new connection onto already existing wire (splice for example), it won't delete old wire, so I'm left with three wires. Only solution I found, is to delete old wire first and then insert connection. Can I change this behavior? Thank you