scorpio810 wrote:

BTW, try AppImages.

Or install snap package:

Removed every thing  from the old installation attempts  then did SNAP  got 0.70  now

IT works   

Thanks  for the help and your patience

scorpio810 wrote:

Ubuntu Xenial is very old and not not supported now, Snap package or AppImages is the better solution for you.

imho the problen does not lie with  xenial

the dependency of the .deb files you offer is for another libqt5  then the one that gets downloaded form your PPA environment

what I don't understand is that installing from the APT repository gives me 0.5 instead of 0.7

what is required for a snap installation?  and for Appimages?

scorpio810 wrote:

Ubuntu Xenial is very old and not not supported now,.

My desktop has less then 1/3rd of time network connectivity  running  Ubuntu 18.04  I'm trying to back up and reinstall 16.04 LTS  because in the ubuntu community nobody wants to help  remove the netplan  blackbox network support  that cannot be configured and replace it with the ifupdown  version
When i installed this laptop from scratch with 18.04  it didn't have any network support at all, so i immediately reinstalle to 16.04 

the reason this is happening is that canonical wants users to have black-box networking
the only thing you can select is  wired or wifi and set the ssid/password for your wifi connection

I cannot move forward  because of the failing network support

if I move to 18.04  i lose network connectivty  then   i lose my livelyhood and my business

Tried every thing you've said ,
Install doesn't work   it keeps giving me 0.5  and says then that i have the latest version installed
after removing the  0.5 versions  despite  havign installed the libqt5  libraries
i cannot install the deb files i've downloaded from your site  because of a libqt5 dependency error

i will now auto remove 
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  blt libqt5clucene5 libqt5concurrent5 libqt5designer5 libqt5help5
  pyqt5-dev-tools python3-pyqt5 python3-sip python3-tk tk8.6-blt2.5

the apt preferences file
and the other references  ppa etc

pleasekeep me informed

DerekvGbe wrote:

apt-get install qelectrotech qelectrotech-data qelectrotech-examples qet-tb-generator
when I start this is about Qelectro 
Qelectro tech v0.5
now i cannot even change the colour of a line any more
and there is no dual colour

I removed
apt-get remove qelectrotech qelectrotech-data qelectrotech-examples qet-tb-generator

and installed the downloaded *.deb files
LIBQT5  is installed
but the package will not install ,  de dependency is in error

scorpio810 wrote:

You can't upgrade your Ubuntu LTS?

Why should i go to 18.04  LTS  which is shit
I cannot configure my network  and I cannot use my network  I had to reinstall form scratch  to 16.04 LTS  because of this canonical network shit

I followed these instructions
then I had version 0.5   but i could change the colour of a line

so i changed the pinning from
Package: qelectrotech*
Pin: version 0.60.*
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: qelectrotech*
Pin: version 0.70.*
Pin-Priority: 1001

apt-get update
apt-get install qelectrotech qelectrotech-data qelectrotech-examples qet-tb-generator

when I start this is about Qelectro 
Qelectro tech v0.5
compilation gcc 5.3.1 2015207 built with Qt5.5.1 ..

now i cannot even change the colour of a line any more
and there is no dual colour

scorpio810 wrote:

What your Ubuntu version?
sudo apt-get install -f

Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
Release:    16.04
Codename:    xenial

I downloaded your DEB packages from
Index of /qet/tags/20190717/Debian/stable/amd64/ ...
But i have a dependency error for  libqt5con...
looked at your reply about version 05,
where do I find the missing dependecy ?

wonderful  i will install and start testing

I've been using other wiring software like dia , visio and even freecad (win and linux)  but disliked it,  dia came closest to what i wanted  for simple things like my home electric wiringdiagram ,  but the all lacked features for my other applications

i've been looking at the forum, manual and online help for electrotech,   lots of features I like so before installing and be diasppointed again i have a single feature related question :
*  when i looked at the element properties explanation i noticed that the user can select for the colour property of a line element   any colour from the standard html  #ff.ff.ff range that is a lot of colours .

I need dual colour lines   ie  black-red, black-green, black orange, black-yellow.. geen-red  etc  . 
i've been using 8 different basic colours combinations that is a 56 colour combinations matrix ( the duals colours eg. black-black are single coloured),  and 3 non standard base colours with the 8 standard coloured lines that is an other 27 colour combinations.
currently we use the base colour and then use character indicators to address the secondary colour of the wire, this causes mistakes , but  its already better than using black drawing with colour coding in letters   

Well did I miss something while reading , Is my impression that lines (wires) can only have one colour  false or right ?   
This is why current drawing software isn't doing the trick for me .

Can anybody enlighten me