To whom it may concern,
I fixed it by removing nvidia driver.
Best regards

I agree

Hello everybody,
I have updated my ubuntu to Ubuntu 23.04 and now i'm unable to drop elements into the folio. None of them neither user collection nor QET Collection. I tried several version 0.9, 0.100 deb and app image and snap. I can draw squares, circles, text etc.
Best regards


Hello guys, 

I have updated qelectrotech to its latest version 0.7 and I am experiencing an undesired behaviour of texts associated to an element. If the text have a space, coma dot slash or almost any symbol qelectroteh draws you a carriage return. Is this normal? Now I have to write labels using underscores "_" and avoiding any symbol. it happens on every text associated to an element: label, textual description article number and so on.

If the label is 

"contact A.1" 

qet draws:


I am using ubuntu 18.10 and QElectroTech_0.7-r5571-x86_64.AppImage

Best regards

I've upgraded right now and version 0.60.r4962 works properly.

Hello Scorpio,
I am using Unity and QT 5.7.1 under Ubuntu 17.04
The main problem is that text are shown smaller under 4K in relation with other elements of the schematic.
Attached you can see the same schematic opened with and without the flag [size=1][font=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0[/font]

Hello guys,

I've bought a 4K display and I've realised that HDPI auto scale doesn't work properly, at least for me. I suggest you to disable this feature in .desktop file modifying the Exec line like this.

Exec=env QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 qelectrotech %F

Perhaps you can release the next version with two desktop files, a normal one and HDPI disabled one.

I've created a desktop file like this:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=env QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 qelectrotech %F
Comment=Edit electrical diagrams.
GenericName=Electrical diagram editor

Best regards


(4 replies, posted in News)

Great job guys!
I have done also a donation for you to keep going developing this great tool.


(13 replies, posted in News)

Je déjà connais cet accès directe, mais c'est seulement pour le conducteur sélectionné, ce n'est pas pour les suivantes. Pour les suivantes, on a Ctrl+F7 (Diagram properties). Je pense ce sujet serait mieux dans le forum "Aide, sujestions..."


(13 replies, posted in News)

C'est parfait pour aller plus vite. Pour être plus vite encore c'est possible de mettre des accès directes aux couleurs des conducteurs dans le barre d'outils?
J'aime beaucoup votre travail!

I'm pretty sure i can. I try to do it when a get some free time. Regards.

A promise is a promise!MggyUCyA!RaTChmN35 … OWAV6m_MQ4

It's a Basic script for libreoffice/openoffice that looks for any element with a text starting by ".-". The string that follows are splited in order to fill in cell contents. There are two different char for that splitting, "carrier return" (&#xa) or "|".
It doesn't use any XML function and i know it is not a very good code but even so it is usefull for us.
The code does the same function looking for token ".#". I use that to fill in a sheet with input/output name descriptions page etc.
Cell B5 contains .qet document path. If that cell is empty a file open dialog will be shown.


Hello everybody,
Is it posible to remove the text "esquema" (in spanish) form every schema tab. I think we already know they are schemas XD.
On other hand, I've made an LibreOffice/OpenOfice script to parse .qet file to find components beginging with a keyword. I use it to list elements, showing the page they are, mainly to do a shoping list. If you want i can share it with you all.