
I hope your answers help the other forum members. I am not familiar with Programming Languages. I made this question because i want to open my .dwg symbol libraries with qelectrotech, but as i become more familiar with the programm i start making my own symbols.

Once again thanks for your answers and your time...

Hello guys,

I am also a new user of QElectroTech and first of all i would to give my congratulations to those who developed the program!

I would like to ask you two questions:

1) Why we can't draw lines, circles and rectangles, like Proficad? We could make floor plans and have a very good and easy electrical program! Is it difficult on the programing?

2) Is there a way to open other file extensions (like dwg) with QElectroTech? Or to convert *.qet files?

I would like to apologise for my bad English!