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en:doc:install_ubuntu [04/01/2020 20:56] scorpio810en:doc:install_ubuntu [21/02/2021 14:22] (current) scorpio810
Line 46: Line 46:
-===== PPA version 0.8-dev =====+===== PPA version 0.9-dev =====
 This PPA provides 32 and 64 bits packages of the current development version for the distributions Xenial, Artful. This PPA provides 32 and 64 bits packages of the current development version for the distributions Xenial, Artful.
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 <code> <code>
-sudo sed -i 's/'"version 0.70.*"'/'"version 0.80.*"'/' /etc/apt/preferences.d/40qelectrotech-devel+sudo sed -i 's/'"version 0.80.*"'/'"version 0.90.*"'/' /etc/apt/preferences.d/40qelectrotech-devel
 </code> </code>