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doc:translation [25/01/2023 16:04] – [Comment tester sa traduction] scorpio810doc:translation [21/08/2024 09:14] (Version actuelle) – [How to update .ts files from source files?] scorpio810
Ligne 2: Ligne 2:
 ====== Comment traduire QElectroTech dans une autre langue ? ====== ====== Comment traduire QElectroTech dans une autre langue ? ======
-===== Que faut-il traduire ? =====+===== What should be translated? =====
-Voici la liste (normalement exhaustive) des composants à traduire en une langue donnée pour QElectroTech : +Here is the (normally exhaustive) list of components to be translated into a given language for QElectroTech: 
-  * les chaînes dans le programme lui-même fichiers ''.ts'' et ''.qm'' dans le dossier ''lang/''+  * the strings in the program itself: ''.ts'' and ''.qm'' files in the ''lang/'' folder
-  * Dans ''qetproject.cpp'', méthode QETProject::namesListForIntegrationCategory() : traduction codée en dur de "Éléments importésà fournir au développeur +  * In ''qetproject.cpp'', méthod QETProject::namesListForIntegrationCategory() : hard-coded translation of "Imported Itemsto be provided to the developer
-  * les chaînes dans le toolkit Qt : généralement : fichiers ''.ts'' et ''.qm'' déjà traduits à chercher dans le .tar.gz officiel de la [[http://trolltech.com/downloads/opensource/appdev|dernière version de Qt]] ; +  * The names in the elements collection: .elmt and qet_directory files in the ''elements/'' folder 
-  * les noms dans la collection d'éléments fichiers .elmt et qet_directory dans le dossier ''elements/''+  * The shortcut to QElectroTech in the menus: file ''qelectrotech.desktop'' in ''misc/''
-  * le raccourci vers QElectroTech dans les menus : fichier ''qelectrotech.desktop'' dans ''misc/''+  * The Unix manual in ''man/''
-  * le manuel Unix dans ''man/''+  * The ''CREDIT'', ''README'', ''ELEMENTS.LICENSE'', ''INSTALL'' files 
-  * les fichiers ''CREDIT'', ''README'', ''ELEMENTS.LICENSE'', ''INSTALL''+  * The file ''packaging/linux/fedora/README.elements''.
-  * le fichier ''packaging/linux/fedora/README.elements''.+
   * [[https://www.qt.io/offline-installers?hsLang=en]]   * [[https://www.qt.io/offline-installers?hsLang=en]]
   * [[http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/linguist-translators.html]]   * [[http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/linguist-translators.html]]
   * [[http://l10n-files.qt.io/l10n-files/|Qt daily updated translation files]]   * [[http://l10n-files.qt.io/l10n-files/|Qt daily updated translation files]]
   * [[https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Localization|wiki Qt_Localization ]]   * [[https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Localization|wiki Qt_Localization ]]
-  * [[https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=16027#p16027|Qet_translate : Element translation tool]] [[https://download.tuxfamily.org/qet/builds/qet_translate/ |Download ]]+  * [[https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=16027#p16027|Qet_translate : Element translation tool]] [[https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/builds/qet_translate/ |Download ]]
 ===== And after ? =====  ===== And after ? ===== 
   * Maintenance of translations by regular monitoring of changes in the Git or Github repository;   * Maintenance of translations by regular monitoring of changes in the Git or Github repository;
Ligne 63: Ligne 62:
 Download this script to put in your git copy Download this script to put in your git copy
-<code>wget http://download.tuxfamily.org/qet/scripts/detect_non_translated_elements.sh</code>+<code>wget https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/scripts/detect_non_translated_elements.sh</code>
 Make it executable Make it executable
Ligne 95: Ligne 94:
 ===== How to update .ts files from source files? ===== ===== How to update .ts files from source files? =====
 Note: *.ts are generally updated by the developer when he considers that the character strings to be translated are viable or by translators. Note: *.ts are generally updated by the developer when he considers that the character strings to be translated are viable or by translators.
-  * Édit qelectrotech.pro : Comment out the lines starting with ''TRANSLATIONS += '' : <code bash>sed -i 's/^TRANSLATIONS/#TRANSLATIONS/g' qelectrotech.pro</code> +  * Édit qelectrotech.pro file: Comment out the lines starting with ''TRANSLATIONS += '' : <code bash>sed -i 's/^TRANSLATIONS/#TRANSLATIONS/g' qelectrotech.pro</code> 
-  * Run the following command :: <code>lupdate -noobsolete qelectrotech.pro -ts lang/qet_{en,es,ru,pt,cs,pl,ca,de,ro,it,ar,sl,hr,el,nl,be,sl,zh,hu,pt_br,da,sr,fr,tr,sk,nb,mn,ja,cn,uk}.ts</code>+  * Run the following command: <code>lupdate -noobsolete qelectrotech.pro -ts lang/qet_{ar,be,ca,cs,da,de,el,en,es,fr_FR,hr,hu,it,ja,mn,nb,nl,pl,pt,pt_BR,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr,tr,uk,zh}.ts</code>
   * Restore missing references to source files : <code>/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/lupdate -locations absolute  qelectrotech.pro -ts lang/qet_br.ts</code>   * Restore missing references to source files : <code>/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/lupdate -locations absolute  qelectrotech.pro -ts lang/qet_br.ts</code>
-  * Restore file qelectrotech.pro : <code bash>sed -i 's/^#TRANSLATIONS/TRANSLATIONS/g' qelectrotech.pro</code> +  * Restore file qelectrotech.pro: <code bash>sed -i 's/^#TRANSLATIONS/TRANSLATIONS/g' qelectrotech.pro</code> 
-  * Create translations binary files : <code>lrelease lang/qet_*.ts</code>+  * Generate translation binaries: <code>lrelease lang/qet_*.ts</code>
 ===== translation status ===== ===== translation status =====