could it be somenting to do with the button: Choose DB to proces ? i dont know what to select over there.
2 2022-03-18 23:15:12
Re: Import DXF into QElectrotech problems (26 replies, posted in Import)
Yes, but this is just for testing the converter.
I need to do more elaborated equipments.
And also i need to download ones from manufacters, so i need to convert them to .elmt files.
3 2022-03-18 22:59:59
Re: Import DXF into QElectrotech problems (26 replies, posted in Import)
But the object didnt convert fully, there are missing lines :O
And i still dont know how to do it myself, is there anything else i could try?
4 2022-03-18 22:42:00
Re: Import DXF into QElectrotech problems (26 replies, posted in Import)
It is just for testing purposes. Not very elaborated.
5 2022-03-18 22:10:13
Re: Import DXF into QElectrotech problems (26 replies, posted in Import)
Thanks for the quick reply.
I have installed QET with the exe file: Installer_QElectroTech-0.80_x86_64-win64+git7124-1.exe
C:\Users\proy\AppData\Roaming -->> there is no qet folder
C:\Users\proy\Application Data\qet\elements -->> Heres is the customs collection created folder from QElectroTech
C:\Program Files\QElectroTech\elements -->> Here is the default version QET Collection
I have tried with the last two of them but nothing happened.
6 2022-03-18 21:27:20
Re: Import DXF into QElectrotech problems (26 replies, posted in Import)
Im new at QElectroTech.
Im using Windows 10 and i have the same problem that i cant find where is the element stored.
The version of QElectroTehc is: V0.80c+87c957a06d79751d3
Steps i have followed:
0- Create a test file in DXF format with the program FreeDraft
1- Open DXFtoQET.exe file (version 2020-05-05)
2- In the executable program:
--- 2.1 - Open dxf file
--- 2.2 - DXFDB to DB
--- 2.3 - Load dxf into proces
--- 2.4 - In the Home tab -> change directory for: Save Path element, to where i need the element to be stored
--- 2.5 - In the Settings tab -> change directory for the same as step before
--- 2.5 - Create QET elmt
--- 2.6 - Save to ELMT file
--- 2.7 - Recive a message: L'element a bien ete enregistre. and click OK.
3- Open QElectroTech and refresh collections.
I cant find the elemt file in QElectro and neither in the folder selected to be stored.
In the DXFconverter Logs i cant find the save path, it only says: Create file : /objetoprueba1qelectrodxf.elmt
but i dont know where is pointing to.
And i dont know how to run in on the terminal.
Is it necesary to have installed on the computer SQLITE program?
I hope you can help me solve this issue.
Thanks in advance and Blessings.