@scorpio810 / Laurent:
Thank you very much for your hints,
I correct all the terminals misuse, as in the attached project,
now terminal block generator runs smooth.
I create three modules for Unitronics PLCs, I'd like to share them with the comunity.
Have a great 2021!

PS: there are some glitches for the italian translation in the component's list, if I can help some way...


Thank you very much for your help!
I will modify the scheme in order not to have "hanging" terminals!
All the best

Good evening,
on Ubuntu 20.04 I get "IndexError: list index out of range" running the QElectrotech terminal block plug-in - v1.1.7;
I remove as suggested all the infos about logos, but no way.
Could you please help me?
I attached the Qet file.
Thank for your attention and a big "Bravo!" to the developers!
All the best