scorpio810 wrote:

Btw, i think a better solution is a GUI to choice two colors, and  draw altenalte color dashes. 
Example for user whant to draw ground conductor in color green/yellow.

That's the point!! I was thinking in the properties menu of the conductor interface like this:
when you select stripped instead of countinuous, then appears two color selection boxes instead of one (main colour and secondary colour).

OK, thank you for your reply.
Actually to do this I put 2 connectors, one above the other and connect both to a same third connector. Then I set one union in one color in continuos line and the other connection in the other colour stripped. The visual effect it´s very similar than a wire with two colours...  nomicons/grin nomicons/grin nomicons/grin
Best regards

Hi all.I have a doubt/suggestion about the property of the conductor between elements:
Is it possible to asign 2 colours (striped style with two colours instead of white and other colour) in the conductor properties? This sould be useful wen you have hoses with more than 10 wires because uses 2 colours nomicons/angel ...