Hi all

I dont know the correct behavior but i see a problem while rotating the master, the cross reference moves outside page


Ok, i will try in linux and windows in debug mode... (now i'm using w seven)

I saw the same problem while moving a rectangle or circle, i'm trying to reproduce the problem and solve it..


Scorpio, ok, a branch will be a good idea...
Other question, an small address translation of new label or messages (spanish) or code mofication, when can i merge to trunk, or only you merge to trunk?



My tuxfamily user is mmiacca
About compile, normally i compile from qtcreator, it does the same step, qmake and mingw32-make...



I using windows now, qt creator with mingw.
Only for fun, i'm trying to compile with Qt5.2, I will report the details when is finished (now the only isue is qprinter haven´t postscript capabilities, other problems could be solved without problems.
I'm installing the correct version now.

Tks for the reply

First I'll trying to compile and understand the using of the last devel version (while translate to spanish after ask actual spanish translator), just for start.
Will be a pleasure to have a developer account, ¿are there any rules to commit? ¿any simple bugs or simple features to do?


Hi, I'm new to QET and I want to involve me in development and testing while using, I download the svn repo, my question is, how do you use trunk and branches in this project.
Tks in advance
