View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0000290 | QElectroTech | Diagram Editor | public | 2023-10-13 12:11 | 2025-03-08 09:24 |
Reporter | gunni | Assigned To | |||
Priority | high | Severity | block | Reproducibility | always |
Status | new | Resolution | open | ||
Product Version | 0.1 | ||||
Summary | 0000290: Unable to run the app on OSX | ||||
Description | Its not possible to run the app on OSX (14.0 (23A344)). The error says "application damage". I try the 0.100 Dev version, the 0.9 Version runs fine. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | try to start the app. | ||||
Tags | osx, start | ||||
What your Mac and macOS version? You have 2 version, one for MAC Intel other arm64 for M1 M2 chip. |
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Hi Scorpio, unfortunately both packages in the link doesn't work, too. I get the same error (package is damage, and not able to open). I own a Macbook pro with M1 Pro and run macOS Sonoma 14.0 on it. |
That very 's strange, you use Safari to upload it? |
yes, i use safari to download the app. i also tried Firefox, without success. Also it was not a solution to copy the app into the app folder. The only difference i see is the package. The i86 vesion came as a dmg file, and the amd64 version came in a zip file?! Maybe this helps? Maybe there is a library missing? |
amd64 -> arm64 version. |
I had some problems with slow rsync sending solved by ssh ProxyCommand nc %h %p, but it 's can damage files... |
If your MBP is on M1/M2 arch what can you do use the x86_64 intel package port it's emuled by roseta 2 ... please use real arm64 port packages ! |
yes, sure. I am not able to use the x86 file, but it look different then the arm64 one. I thought they may look the same (package)? |
I downloaded click on to extract, drag to /Applications and voila.. |
Same file but downloaded with google chrome -> « qelectrotech » est endommagé et ne peut pas être ouvert. Vous devriez placer cet élément dans la Corbeille. Chrome a téléchargé ce fichier aujourd’hui à 12:15. |
I tried chrome too, extract the file, and copy to app folder, but get the same error. But, i am wondering about the file: The file that you downloaded with your safari is a *.app. The file that i download is a *.zip ?! |
Finder extract zip to without my intervention.. |
I sent a new upload and don't use ProxyCommand this time: Please try if this version is damaged or not..
Before with ProxyCommand nc %h %p |
Isn't a speed upload problem, because I use rsync command, but file download with Chrome.. Gatekeeper see file damaged.... file is the same... Download with Safari ->
QElectroTech V 0.100.0-dev Compilation : CLANG 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.102) Built with Qt 5.15.10 - arm64 - Date : Oct 20 2023 : 17:23:18 Git Revision : fbcab7c770d43a617dd3e70f688add56c0b36611 Run with Qt 5.15.10 using 8 thread(s) CPU : Apple M2 RAM Total : 8 GB GPU : GPU RAM : OS : darwin - arm64 - Version : macOS 14.0 - Kernel : 23.0.0 *** Qt screens *** ( 1 : 3840 x 2160 ) |
Compare file with shasum Original Builded, signed and notarized file before rsync upload:
Download with Chrome:
file is the same.. now I check the notarization information from Apple’s servers attached to the application:
Now I download the same file but with Safari: Finder unzip the file automatically .. to I check this file:
Hi Scorpio, thanks for providing the information on how to verify the app in the command line. Since there are a couple of new versions released (which do not work on my system) I want to confirm that the issue still persists with 0.100.0-r8127 |
Please use Safari to download, I just downloaded spctl --assess -vv --type install it 's ok! |
I used Safari, the file is the same thorsten@mbp22 Downloads % shasum b7ec8c899b4d83f4a606bbac817af93da1bd261d To be honest, I only did that for the sake of completeness so that I could argue that I am also a software developer and can't imagine it would make a difference. Well, I was wrong. The same positive verification comes up as you described (even if I don't understand why!) Thank you for following up! |
I don't understand it either... maybe I'm doing something wrong? If you can help? |
Workaround: - Download however you prefer, FireFox, Safari, etc - Expand the arm64 zip with terminal: unzip - Launch .app as usual, and be presented with confirmation to open a functioning application with proper validation I noticed that downloading the ARM64 archive and expanding with the double-click Archive Utility, the resultant application reports as corrupt. I'm not sure why exactly. Clearly there are differences between the terminal application and the GUI Archive Utility - I'm sure there are reasons. |
@Stevek: Thanks you for your feed back workaround! |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2023-10-13 12:11 | gunni | New Issue | |
2023-10-13 12:11 | gunni | Tag Attached: osx | |
2023-10-13 12:11 | gunni | Tag Attached: start | |
2023-10-13 14:47 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000650 | |
2023-10-18 16:55 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000651 | |
2023-10-18 17:12 | gunni | Note Added: 0000652 | |
2023-10-18 17:14 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000653 | |
2023-10-18 17:17 | gunni | Note Added: 0000654 | |
2023-10-18 17:18 | gunni | Note Added: 0000655 | |
2023-10-18 17:21 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000656 | |
2023-10-18 17:26 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000657 | |
2023-10-18 17:28 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Edited: 0000657 | |
2023-10-18 17:33 | gunni | Note Added: 0000658 | |
2023-10-18 17:34 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000659 | |
2023-10-19 11:54 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000660 | |
2023-10-19 12:02 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Edited: 0000660 | |
2023-10-19 12:32 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000661 | |
2023-10-19 12:41 | gunni | Note Added: 0000662 | |
2023-10-19 12:41 | gunni | File Added: Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-19 um 12.35.26.png | |
2023-10-19 12:48 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000663 | |
2023-10-20 07:05 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Edited: 0000663 | |
2023-10-20 17:37 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000664 | |
2023-10-20 17:45 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000665 | |
2023-10-20 17:46 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000666 | |
2023-10-20 20:01 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000667 | |
2023-10-20 20:03 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Edited: 0000667 | |
2023-10-20 20:04 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Edited: 0000667 | |
2023-10-20 20:07 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Edited: 0000665 | |
2023-10-20 20:08 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Edited: 0000667 | |
2023-10-24 10:52 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Edited: 0000660 | |
2023-10-30 16:21 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Edited: 0000665 | |
2024-07-29 08:21 | Thor | Note Added: 0000739 | |
2024-07-29 17:21 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000740 | |
2024-07-30 18:16 | Thor | Note Added: 0000741 | |
2024-08-07 12:46 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000743 | |
2025-03-06 23:38 | Stevek | Note Added: 0000785 | |
2025-03-08 09:22 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Added: 0000786 | |
2025-03-08 09:24 | scorpio810_mantis | Note Edited: 0000786 |