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en:doc:start [16/02/2009 23:07] – external edit [21/07/2023 12:25] (current) – Use HTTPS for download.qelectrotech.org xavier
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 +====== Documentation ======
 +This page lists the QElectroTech-related documentation available in English.
 +===== Available documentation: =====
 +==== Users ====
 +  * [[doc:installation|Installation]]
 +  * [[.:faq|FAQ]]
 +  * [[.:test_dev_version|How to test the development version of QElectroTech]]
 +  * [[.:elements_guidelines|Elements guidelines]]
 +  * [[.:mans|man qelectrotech]]
 +==== Developers ====
 +  * [[doc:xml_struct_elements|XML structure used for elements]]
 +  * [[doc:xml_projects_elements|XML structure used for diagrams]]
 +  * [[doc:options_compil_exec|Compilation and exection options]]
 +  * [[https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/doc/0.2b/index.html|Code documentation (generated by Doxygen)]]
 +  * [[doc:borderinset|The BorderInset class]]
 +  * [[doc:changelog_0.1_0.11|Changelog 0.1 -> 0.11]]
 +  * [[doc:changelog_0.22_0.3a|Changelog 0.22 -> 0.3a]]
 +  * [[doc:changelog_0.3a_0.3b|Changelog 0.3a -> 0.3b]]
 +  * QET coding style: {{:doc:qtcreator-qet-style.xml|XML configuration for Qt Creator}}
 +===== Future documentation =====
 +  * Quickstart guide