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en:doc:faq [21/07/2023 12:24] – download.tuxfamily.org -> download.qelectrotech.org xavieren:doc:faq [21/07/2023 12:25] (current) – Use HTTPS for download.qelectrotech.org xavier
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 ==== How to add a conductor between two elements? ==== ==== How to add a conductor between two elements? ====
-The short screenshot that follows shoud answer this question: [[http://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/videos/qelectrotech_add_a_wire_screencast.ogv|qelectrotech_add_a_wire_screencast.ogv]]+The short screenshot that follows shoud answer this question: [[https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/videos/qelectrotech_add_a_wire_screencast.ogv|qelectrotech_add_a_wire_screencast.ogv]]
 ==== Why can't I (entirely) read again my diagram on another user account? ==== ==== Why can't I (entirely) read again my diagram on another user account? ====