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en:doc:elements_guidelines [29/12/2008 04:40] xavierqeten:doc:elements_guidelines [20/11/2014 14:01] (current) – external edit
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 +====== Rules for making elements ======
 +This document contains all rules that have to be respected if you want that an element be included in QElectrotech official collection of elements. 
 +===== Moderation process for the element repository =====
 +The elements sended through [[qet>/submit-element.php|the submission form]] for elements are not immediately added to the collection that you can see on the site and certainly not added to the official collection of QET. The elements submitted through the form have to go through a moderation process. Depending on the relevance of the elements, they will be added to [[qet>/showcategory.php|website repository]], to the official collection or disgarded. The elements will also be judged on the quality of the work. This document describes the rules to be respected to easily pass the moderation process.
 +===== Standards =====
 +The suggested elements should as possible as can be respect the schemas standard. Since QElectrotech is mainly a French software, the default standard is the standard of France. Symbols comming from another standard, must state it. This can be done by catgories or by the name of the symbol.
 +===== Rendering =====
 +To draw correctly an element, you should respect the following rules:
 +  * Coordinates are to be rounded to the ten thousandth.
 +  * A relevant hotspot must be stated.
 +  * The width and heigth must be a multiple of ten et and must be consitent with the size of similar elements. The reference for elements is the simple contact.
 +  * Antialiasing must be activated except for the lines:
 +    * 45° orientation,
 +    * horizontal,
 +    * vertical.
 +==== Références ====
 +The references for elements:
 +  * must be editable text fields,
 +  * by default, use text size 9,
 +  * by default, are at right-hand side of the element.
 +===== Names =====
 +==== QElectroTech languages ====
 +The official languages supported by QElectrotech are:
 +  * French
 +  * English
 +==== Rules for elements ====
 +Displayed names:
 +  * without spelling mistakes
 +  * translated in the languages of QElectroTech
 +  * begins with an uper-case letter
 +Files names:
 +  * without spelling mistake
 +  * written in French for consitency 
 +  * allowed characters: only underscores and lower-case letters without accents (all words must follow this regex: ^[a-z_]+$)
 +==== Rules for categories ====
 +Displayed names:
 +  * without spelling mistakes
 +  * translated in the languages of QElectroTech
 +  * starting with an upper-case letter
 +  * in plural; example: use 'Contacts' instead of 'Contact'
 +Files names:
 +  * without spelling mistakes
 +  * written in French to be consistent
 +  * allowed characters: only underscores and lower-case letters without accents (all words must follow this regex: ^[a-z_]+$)
 +  * in plural; example: use 'Contacts' instead of 'Contact'