====== Comment traduire QElectroTech dans une autre langue ? ======
===== What should be translated? =====
Here is the (normally exhaustive) list of components to be translated into a given language for QElectroTech:
* the strings in the program itself: ''.ts'' and ''.qm'' files in the ''lang/'' folder;
* In ''qetproject.cpp'', méthod QETProject::namesListForIntegrationCategory() : hard-coded translation of "Imported Items" to be provided to the developer;
* The names in the elements collection: .elmt and qet_directory files in the ''elements/'' folder ;
* The shortcut to QElectroTech in the menus: file ''qelectrotech.desktop'' in ''misc/'' ;
* The Unix manual in ''man/'' ;
* The ''CREDIT'', ''README'', ''ELEMENTS.LICENSE'', ''INSTALL'' files ;
* The file ''packaging/linux/fedora/README.elements''.
* [[https://www.qt.io/offline-installers?hsLang=en]]
* [[http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/linguist-translators.html]]
* [[http://l10n-files.qt.io/l10n-files/|Qt daily updated translation files]]
* [[https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Localization|wiki Qt_Localization ]]
* [[https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=16027#p16027|Qet_translate : Element translation tool]] [[https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/builds/qet_translate/ |Download ]]
===== And after ? =====
* Maintenance of translations by regular monitoring of changes in the Git or Github repository;
===== How to test your translation =====
==== Windows ====
The easiest way is to change the system language.
Another solution: in the launcher [color=red]Lancer Qet.bat[/color] we add in the (set command=) un [color=blue]set LANG=en_US[/color] by example
__Which give:__
set command=bin\qelectrotech.exe --common-elements-dir=elements/ --common-tbt-dir=titleblocks/ --lang-dir=lang/ --config-dir=conf/
set LANG=en_US -style plastique %*
set LANG=en_US
rem lance QElectroTech
set command=bin\qelectrotech.exe --common-elements-dir=elements/ --common-tbt-dir=titleblocks/ --lang-dir=lang/ --config-dir=conf/ -style plastique %*
==== linux ====
laurent@debian:~$ export LANG="en_US"; qelectrotech
laurent@debian:~$ LANG="en_US" qelectrotech
===== Find untranslated elements in a given language =====
Download this script to put in your git copy
wget https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/scripts/detect_non_translated_elements.sh
Make it executable
chmod +x detect_non_translated_elements.sh
Find items not translated into Polish for example:
laurent@debian:~/Qet-svn/qet_directory$ ./detect_non_translated_elements.sh pl
===== What tools? =====
* To participate in the project: some notions of using Git;
* To test the application under development and thus test the translations of recent strings: a [[doc:test_dev_version|version compilée de QET]] ;
* For the .ts / .qm : [[https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtlinguist-index.html|Qt Linguist]] (as well as utilities lupdate et lrelease) ;
* for other files: any text editor worthy of the name.
It is of course possible to learn how to use these tools on the job by coming to our IRC channel.
If you want to translate QElectroTech, contact the development team by email or visit our IRC channel. The languages accepted to communicate with the development team are French and English.
===== How to update .ts files from source files? =====
Note: *.ts are generally updated by the developer when he considers that the character strings to be translated are viable or by translators.
* Édit qelectrotech.pro file: Comment out the lines starting with ''TRANSLATIONS += '' : sed -i 's/^TRANSLATIONS/#TRANSLATIONS/g' qelectrotech.pro
* Run the following command: lupdate -noobsolete qelectrotech.pro -ts lang/qet_{ar,ca,cs,da,de,el,en,es,fr,hr,hu,it,ja,mn,nb,nl_BE,nl_NL,pl,pt,pt_BR,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr,sv,tr,uk,zh}.ts
* Restore missing references to source files : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/lupdate -locations absolute qelectrotech.pro -ts lang/qet_br.ts
* Restore file qelectrotech.pro: sed -i 's/^#TRANSLATIONS/TRANSLATIONS/g' qelectrotech.pro
* Generate translation binaries: lrelease lang/qet_*.ts
===== translation status =====
**Statistics for the master branch**
Notes :
* Qt translations are always considered done as they are the responsibility of Qt Software, with the exception of the Czech translation, handled by Pavel Fric via Gitorious : cf [[doc:qt_translation_cs|Qt translation to czech]]
===== Miscellaneous scripts =====
All scripts formerly presented in this section have been integrated into the script [[https://git.tuxfamily.org/qet/qet.git/tree/misc/translations_stat.pl|misc/translations_stat.pl]].